We are committed to providing great service
The INA’s members are independent distribution network operators (IDNOs), independent gas transporters (IGTs) and independent water and wastewater companies, known as NAVs. The INA’s member companies commit to providing a great service to their customers and have all made the following commitments.

Commitments to our customers
We will set the tone from the top of our companies on the importance of customer service and will always consider the customer in our business decisions.
We will make it easier for customers to communicate with us and get the information they need.
If anything does go wrong, we will put it right as soon as we can and learn from those experiences to improve our services.
We will be proactive in working with the wider industry and our regulators to make sure systems and processes evolve so we can continue to provide a great service to customers of independent networks and meet their future needs.
We will support our customers in the following ways:
- Proactively and regularly contact our customers so we understand if they are priority or vulnerable customers and their diversity of needs.
- We will signpost where support is available to customers, including through other organisations.
- If there are planned or unplanned outages, we will provide information to
help customers prepare, make clear what support is available and provide
timely communication as to when services will be restored.
We want to make sure the service you receive from INA member companies is